How To Enhance The Performance Of Your AC

Does your air conditioning system seem to be overworking itself? If so and you are not seeing the results you would like to from your AC, then there may be some tune-up services that you can do on your own to improve the efficiency of your AC unit. There are a few ways to better the performance quality of your air conditioner, such as: Landscape Around the Condenser: The condenser unit that sits outside of your home is the unit component in your AC system that converts outdoor air into cool air and delivers it straight into your home. Read More 

4 Tips To Prevent Odors In Your Restaurant Dining Room

If your restaurant is like many, you can probably detect food smells when you walk into your dining area. Unfortunately, these smells aren't always pleasant. To help make your dining area a lot more appealing to your customers, follow these tips for preventing odors. 1. Create a Separation from the Kitchen First of all, you probably want to prevent food odors from seeping out of your commercial kitchen and into your dining area. Read More 

How To Determine Whether You Should Replace Your Heating System For More Efficiency

With fall just around the corner, it's good to start thinking about maintenance on your furnace. From checking for leaks to replacing filters, an licensed furnace technician can ensure your furnace is ready to operate for the cold months ahead. If your furnace has had a lot of problems in recent years, your service expert may tell you the following about replacing older equipment for something more energy efficient: Replacement Could Save You a Lot If Bills Are Going Up Read More 

2 Water Heater Villains You Should Be Familiar With

When you start thinking about things that might damage your home water heater, images of catastrophic ground flooding or damaging earthquakes might come to mind. However, a few oversights might be more dangerous than any of those less-than-likely scenarios. Here are two water heater villains you should be familiar with, so that you can identify and resolve issues early: 1: Internal Sediment If you live in an area with hard water, you might be used to things like cloudy shower doors and an extra dose of minerals in your drinking water. Read More 

Can A Snake Really Get Into My Home Through The Toilet?

Imagine sitting down on your porcelain throne, only to discover a slippery snake calmly coiled up in your toilet bowl; for many people, it's the stuff of nightmares, but have you ever wondered whether the toilet snake is more than an urban legend? While stories of unlucky folks who discover snakes in their toilets make the news every so often, the odds that a snake would actually enter your home through the sewer pipes are surprisingly slim. Read More