Actions To Take If Your AC Is Blowing Warm Air

Air conditioning is vital for indoor comfort when the heat-waves are prevalent. However, it can be disappointing when your system is running but blowing warm air. This may result from a component malfunction, hindering AC performance. Note that it is best to employ the services of a residential AC repair technician to remedy the problem, as DIY repairs can worsen the issue. The repair expert will inspect and fix your unit for peak efficiency. Read More 

3 Easy Tips To Prevent Mold In Your Home

Mold growth can be one of the trickiest problems to identify. A professional mold inspection can confirm whether any problematic mold is present in your home, but how do you keep mold from occurring in the first place? Here are three easy tips to prevent mold in your home. 1. Manage Moisture and Humidity Even if mold spores are present in your home, they can't grow without exposure to a source of moisture. Read More 

Make Sure To Winterize Your AC

You need to do many things to prepare your house for winter. One thing you might not think about doing is making sure that your air conditioner is winterized. However, this is something that you do need to think about. The biggest reason you need to think about this is that you want your air conditioner to work next summer so that it will keep you cool. You need to work with an HVAC company that can take care of your air conditioner for you. Read More 

3 Solutions For The Most Common Problems Affecting The Furnace

Your furnace keeps the temperatures manageable and comfortable even during the coldest winter days. That said, most homeowners do not notice their furnace humming in the background as it operates. Note that even though manufacturers design these appliances to have a long and useful life, the quality of maintenance and service you provide will determine whether yours lasts its intended lifespan. As such, understand the cause of these three furnace problems and ways to resolve them. Read More 

Reasons To Wait Until Spring For AC Installation

If it's the end of summer or even fall and your AC is struggling, you might be planning to have a new one installed right away. In some cases, this is the right move. But in many cases, it is actually better to wait until spring to have a new air conditioner installed. Here are some key reasons to consider waiting a few months for this service.  You'll be able to try the AC out immediately. Read More