Why You Should Check Your Air Conditioner Before The Heat Of Summer

When the cool weather of early spring gives way to warmer summer temperatures, it will be time to fire up the air conditioner again. However, what you may not anticipate is that when it finally gets hot enough to need your air conditioner, there could be issues with it. There are many reasons that you should check your air conditioner before the heat of the summer hits. Get to know some of the issues that you may have with your air conditioner that can cause your problems if you do not take the time to inspect and repair it before summer.

Your Ductwork May Need Cleaning and Repairs

One of the most important aspects of your air conditioning system is your air ducts. This is how the cool air gets to the various areas and rooms of your home. As such, if they get dirty or clogged the quality of your air as well as the temperature and quantity of air being moved throughout your home can be greatly affected.

You May Have Low Refrigerant Levels  

If you have been using the same air conditioning system for several years, you may not realize that your refrigerant levels can get lower every year. Many air conditioning systems leak small amounts of refrigerant every year. Eventually, these small amounts can add up and make it so your system does not cool down your home as effectively as it once did.

You Had High Energy Bills Last Year

Having your air conditioning unit checked before the summer months can help to ensure that once you do need to use your air conditioner on a regular, daily basis that it will work as efficiently as possible. This will allow you to save as much money on your energy bills in the summer from the moment you switch your air conditioner on.

If your energy bills seemed high last year, it may be because your air conditioner was working harder than it should have to in order to keep your house cool. This could mean your outdoor unit is damaged or clogged or that the entire system is failing. It is also possible you need basic maintenance and repairs.

With these factors in mind, you can be sure that you get your air conditioning unit checked as soon as possible. This will give you plenty of time to have any repairs performed or get your air conditioning unit replaced before your home gets overly warm in the summer months. So, give your HVAC specialist, like HELP Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric, a call as soon as possible to get your appointment set up.  
