A Few Tips That Might Improve The Air Quality In Your Home

The quality of your indoor air can suffer when you keep your house closed up all the time. However, opening your windows isn't always an option when it's hot and humid outside, or when there's pollen in the air and you have allergies. Instead, you can work to improve your indoor air quality to make it as clean as possible. Here are some things to try: Have Your HVAC System Cleaned Read More 

Need A New Furnace? Consider The Following 3 Things

Is your old furnace on its last legs and now you're ready to get a new one? If so, you need to put some thought into what kind of furnace is going to be installed before you make a purchasing decision. Here are some considerations for getting new furnaces. Discounts and Rebates One thing to look into is if your local energy provider offers any sort of discounts or rebates for getting a new furnace. Read More 

Why You Should Hire a Professional to Replace Your A/C System

Replacing your air conditioner isn't something the novice homeowner should do. It isn't something you can Google or watch on YouTube and install it yourself. Only a trained HVAC technician should be installing air conditioning units. If you have a friend of a friend of a friend installing them on the side for a cheap price, it can be enticing, but there are reasons why you should stick to a trained service technician. Read More 

Avoid These 3 Budget-Busters When Choosing Your Next A/C System

Shopping for a new air conditioner is one thing, but shopping for one on a budget can be challenging. There are many ways you can accidentally overspend on your next A/C system, especially if you commit these three common errors when looking for a new unit. 1. Buying More A/C Than Your Home Can Handle Size matters in more ways than one when it comes to your air conditioning system. Choosing one that offers more cooling capacity than your home actually needs can prove costly on many fronts. Read More 

What Could Go Wrong With An Air Conditioning Unit? Common Reasons Why Your Unit May Not Be Running Smoothly

Were you trying to relax at home in the cool air with your air conditioning unit running when you quickly realized that it was not producing enough cool air for you? If you are feeling sweaty, hot, and frustrated, you should have your unit inspected and repaired. There is likely something going on with the unit that is keeping it from getting rid of the hot air in a room and exchanging it with cool, fresh air that keeps you feeling comfortable on those extremely hot days. Read More