6 Heating Tips For Winter

Heating and cooling bills can grow to massive proportions, especially in the winter. With the right knowledge, your heating bills don't have to shock you. Here are six heating tips for winter:

1. Get your heating system serviced

The best way to save money on heating is by making sure your HVAC system runs efficiently. Get your heating and cooling system serviced before the temperature drops. An HVAC technician will replace and clean filters, look for leaks, and check your outdoor unit for potential issues.

2. Install a programmable thermostat

Rather than constantly fiddling with your thermostat, install a programmable one. Programmable thermostats have energy saving modes as well as custom settings. Set your thermostat to run at around 68-70 degrees when you're home, and about 60 degrees when you're at work or asleep.

3. Use an electric blanket

Electric blankets are simple, inexpensive ways to save money on heating. You can turn your thermostat down or even completely off and still stay warm by putting electric blankets on beds. You can also use the blanket to wrap yourself in warmth and stay cozy on snowy days while you read or watch TV.

4. Plug up those holes

Plug every leak, hole, and draft in your home. Here is a checklist:

  • Replace weatherstrips around door and window frames
  • Caulk the edges of your outlets. Use electrical outlet covers when they're not in use.
  • Seal gaps around pipes and cables with spray foam insulation
  • Install extra insulation in your attic or crawlspace
  • Close vents and fans leading to the exterior

5. Move to one room

If you primarily use one room of your house, turn down your thermostat or even close the vents to the rooms you don't use. Stay in one room and use a space heater. Space heaters are cheaper to run than a central heating system or a system that runs on gas. For example, if you work from home, stay in your office most of the day with a space heater or electric blanket. Be sure you use a space heater with a built-in thermostat so it doesn't run constantly and waste electricity.

6. Buy a humidifier

A humidifier is an inexpensive way to help keep heating costs down. Have you ever been to the South in the summer? The heat is worse because of humidity even when the temperatures aren't very high. Water acts as an insulator for heat. You can do the same for your home in the winter with a humidifier. A humidifier will also prevent nosebleeds and.keep your hair and skin from drying out due to the cold, dry air.

These six tips will help you stay warm and keep your wallet fat this winter.
