Improve Heating Efficiency And Reducing The Need For Repairs

The harder your furnace system has to work, the more likely it is to break down. Unfortunately, if your home has a problem with its insulation envelope, your home can lose heat as fast or faster than your furnace can create it. Thus, if you want to keep your heating bill down, so it doesn't eat up all of your budget for the holidays, then you need to do something to make sure your home retains heat like it should. Read More 

Holiday HVAC Havoc: How Your Decorations And HVAC System Can Interact

Despite all the complaints about Christmas decorations showing up before Halloween, it is a good idea to start thinking about how your holiday decorations will affect and be affected by your HVAC system. Any holiday decoration, be it from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, or another holiday, needs to be placed carefully. If you just throw things up on the walls and place decorations wherever you want, you could make your home less comfortable and a lot more of a mess. Read More 

Answers to Some Routine Residential Electrical Questions

Electrical issues with a home can be a serious issue that may cause hazards, disruptions to life in the home, and increased expenses. Unfortunately, many homeowners lack the experience required to be able to effectively address these issues. If this is the case for you, learning about the following answers to basic residential electrical questions should provide you with more of the understanding you need to make sound choices for your home's electrical needs. Read More 

2 Options For Cooling A Room Without Central AC, A Ceiling Fan, Or A Window

Cooling a home that doesn't have central air conditioning can involve a combination of ceiling fans and window air conditioning. But what if you have a room or rooms in the house that don't have a window and lack the space or bracing for a ceiling fan? Closing off the room for the summer isn't always an option so there are a couple of cooling systems that could still make those tricky living airs more comfortable. Read More 

How To Prevent HVAC Damage And Emergencies During Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are an unfortunate reality during the summer months in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. These storms can get pretty violent, with the high winds, driving rain, and hail causing substantial damage to HVAC systems, as well as HVAC emergencies, on a regular basis. Thankfully, there are a few things you, as a homeowner, can do to protect your HVAC system from such damage. Secure your AC unit with hurricane straps. Read More