5 Ways to Improve AC Efficiency in a Snap

The air conditioner in your home may be tricky to maintain at times. How do you find the perfect balance of efficiency and comfort? How do you keep cooling costs down this summer without sacrificing your happiness? These tips will help you stay cool as spring and summer approach. 1. Invest in a Dehumidifier When the humidity of the air increases in your home, moisture can significantly impact the way your skin feels. Read More 

Is Your House Muggy and Hot Even with AC? Get a Unit Inspection and Make These Changes Today

If your air conditioner isn't working efficiently and you think you have air quality concerns as well, talk with a heating and cooling professional to see what can be done. Many different things can be affecting the air quality, and if you have an outdated air conditioner it may be time for an upgrade. Efficiency wouldn't be the only thing that approves when you get a newer model. Talk with the HVAC service experts about the following things when getting a quote for AC replacement. Read More 

How To Reduce The Strain On Your AC System

Once summer arrives, your air conditioning unit will be put into full swing and start working overtime to ensure that you and your family are comfortable while inside the house. To reduce the overall risk of costly AC repairs and save money on utility bills, it is recommended that you find ways that you can give your AC unit a bit of a break. Here are four tips that will help keep your unit running efficiently without the added strain during the summer, reducing the risk of needing air conditioning repair. Read More 

3 Signs That You May Need To Upgrade Your Furnace

Are you a homeowner who relies on a furnace to heat your home? If so, you need to know about the importance of maintaining your heating system. It is also imperative to know that, although furnaces that are properly maintained can last a long time, at some point you will need to upgrade your furnace. There are a number of signs that your furnace may need to be replaced. If your AC system was installed at the same time as your furnace, it may be ideal to upgrade both at the same time. Read More 

Signs You Need To Update Your Heating System

When your heating bills are rising, and you hear noises coming from your furnace when it turns on, you could be looking at the need for a new heating system installation. If you are keeping your existing heating system because you don't want to spend money, you can end up wasting all kinds of money on repairing a system that really needs to be replaced instead. Know how efficient your heating system is and understand when it's time for a new heating system installation. Read More