3 Signs That You May Need To Upgrade Your Furnace

Are you a homeowner who relies on a furnace to heat your home? If so, you need to know about the importance of maintaining your heating system. It is also imperative to know that, although furnaces that are properly maintained can last a long time, at some point you will need to upgrade your furnace. There are a number of signs that your furnace may need to be replaced. If your AC system was installed at the same time as your furnace, it may be ideal to upgrade both at the same time. This would likely ensure a completely energy-efficient HVAC system. The following points will focus on when you should replace your furnace.

Age of the System

If you have an older heating system, it is likely that it is not as efficient as newer systems even if you have properly maintained the system. Many homeowners make the mistake of keeping older furnaces due to the systems still providing adequate heat. However, they neglect to realize that their energy bills could be lowered if they chose to upgrade their heating systems. The energy savings that they could potentially experience may pay off a portion of the cost of their upgraded heating system over time.

Strange Odors

Ideally, your furnace should not emit strange odors. Some odors could be indicative that a gas leak is present. It could also be a sign that there are parts within the system that are malfunctioning. Sometimes strange odors are related to duct issues or systems not getting proper maintenance. This includes neglecting to change air filters.

Cycling Issues

If your system cycles off and on frequently, the issue could be related to a faulty thermostat. However, it is also possible that an outdated furnace with failing mechanical components is the culprit. A normal system should not cycle irregularly. Keep in mind that air drafts and insufficient insulation can also cause cycling problems. 

An HVAC contractor is a good resource to use to learn more reasons that should prompt you to replace your furnace. They can inspect your current furnace and ensure that your upgraded heating system has the features that are ideal for your lifestyle. For example, you may appreciate upgrading to a smart thermostat or zoning your home to variate temperatures based on the rooms being heated. These professionals can consult with you to ensure that you have a heating system that is ideal as well as help you determine the ideal cooling system.
