What You Need To Know When Shopping For A New HVAC System

Whether you are looking to replace your furnace, air conditioner, or the entire HVAC system, you need to know where to start researching in your quest for a new system. The following are a few things to keep in mind as you begin shopping around.

Understand the Ratings

Each unit will have a myriad of ratings applied to it, so you need to know what these mean so you can compare accurately. The most ubiquitous is the Energy Star rating, which lets you know how efficient the unit is. These ratings typically show the cost of using the system as well as the system's average energy usage. Another rating to know is the SEER rating, which shows the maximum efficiency of a unit -- the higher the rating the better. For most rating systems, higher ratings indicate a more efficient unit, but always verify if you see a rating you aren't familiar with.

Get the Right Size

Before shopping, get an accurate measurement of your home's square footage, particularly if you have recently finished the basement or attic, built an addition, or decided to add climate control to your garage. Purchasing a unit designed for less square footage can result in poor heating and cooling, or even premature failure because the unit has to work too hard. An oversized unit also isn't the answer, since it won't work as efficiently to cool or heat a smaller area.

Use the Right Cost as a Guideline

Don't just look at the final cost of the unit to determine whether it is a good deal. Instead, compare both the initial unit cost with the lifetime expected operating cost of the unit. It simply isn't a good deal to save $500 on a unit at purchase but then spend $500 or more a year to use it because it's efficiency is so much lower than the more expensive unit. Work with a dealer or installer for more help in accurately comparing the costs between units.

Check Reviews

Check reviews once you have narrowed your choices down to a couple of different HVAC systems so you don't become overwhelmed by information. Although customer reviews are helpful, it may be more useful to also check professional reviews, such as through a consumer reporting resource or an HVAC professional resource. This way you can ensure the information is accurate and up to date.

To find out more about getting an HVAC system, reach out to an HVAC dealer near you.
