Myths About Choosing A Zoned AC Unit For Your Home

Smart home technology has revolutionized how homeowners control and manage various aspects of their homes. The ability to remotely control everything from temperature to lighting with just a few taps on a mobile device has made smart home solutions increasingly popular among homeowners. For homeowners with these systems in place, a zoned HVAC system can be an excellent choice. 

Myth: Zoned HVAC Systems Are Too Expensive

A popular myth about zoned HVAC systems is that they are prohibitively costly. These systems may have a higher initial price than traditional HVAC systems, but the long-term benefits make them more economical. Zoned systems allow homeowners to selectively heat and cool specific areas of the home based on usage. This targeted approach results in substantial savings on energy bills over the lifetime of the zoned heating system.

Beyond energy efficiency, zoned systems tend to be more cost-effective concerning maintenance. Targeted heating and cooling reduce wear and tear on HVAC equipment. As a result, there will be a need for fewer repairs which leads to an extended system life span. Over time, these savings can offset the initial investment and make zoned systems a wise choice for any homeowner.

Myth: Zoned HVAC Systems Are Difficult To Install

Some people believe that zoned HVAC systems are challenging to install, but modern zoned systems have been designed with ease of installation in mind. This can allow you to enjoy the benefits of this HVAC system with minimal disruption to your home. Many such installations can be completed without significant renovations within a day or two.

For those with existing HVAC systems, retrofitting a zoned system is also possible without significant structural changes. HVAC technicians can convert an existing system into a zoned one by installing dampers in ductwork and adding a control panel. This adaptability makes zoned systems a practical and affordable solution for homeowners seeking to upgrade their heating and cooling systems.

Myth: Zoned HVAC Systems Do Not Work For Small Homes

Another misconception is that zoned HVAC systems are exclusively beneficial for large homes. The reality is that even small living spaces can enjoy the advantages offered by zoned temperature control. For instance, separate heating and cooling controls can be assigned to the sleeping and living areas, providing optimized comfort and energy efficiency. When you work with a zoned HVAC professional, they can help you understand the design options that offer the best results for your house. This can be especially useful if your home has an unusual shape or other issues that may prove challenging.

Contact a local residential HVAC installation service to learn more. 
