4 Important Signs You Need to Get Your Heat Pump Serviced

Your heat pump plays an important role in keeping your home nice and warm. As a system that primarily runs behind closed doors, it can be easy to assume that everything is going correctly with your heat pump. However, some signs will signify that it's time for heat pump repairs.

#1: Loud Noises

Your heat pump should not make sounds that are louder than regular operating levels. If you suddenly notice that your heat pump is making unusual sounds, such as a loud rattling sound or a loud grinding sound every time you turn the unit on, then it is time to bring in an expert to figure out what is causing the noise.

An experienced heat pump technician will be able to quickly identify what is causing the strange noise and fix that issue. Strange noises usually indicated that something is broken or not working correctly and shouldn't be ignored. 

#2: No Heat or Cool Air

When you turn on your heater, you expect your heat pump to either cool or heat your home, depending on your thermostat setting. If your system is not pumping out either hot or cold air, you are going to need to get your heat pump serviced right away. When your heat pump isn't producing cool or hot air, the reversing valve may be stuck, or you may have another issue at play.

#3: Short Cycling

When your heat pump turns on and off frequently, you are experiencing short cycling. Sort cycling or rapid cycling usually happens when the compressor in your heating pump is not working correctly. This issue can be fixed affordably if you take care of it right away. However, if you allow this to continue, you may end up having to replace your entire heat pump.

#4: Ice on the Coils

Finally, if you notice that ice is building up on your heat pump, you are going to need to take care of your heat pump right away. Ice on your cools is an indication that either your air filter is dirty, or that the refrigerant leak is happening with your heat pump.

If your heat pump is making loud noises, is not pumping hot or cold air properly, is short cycling, or has ice on the coils, you are going to want to get a technician out to make repairs immediately. These are not issues that you should ignore, as ignoring these issues could lead to your heat pump failing.  
