3 Signs Your Central Air Conditioner Is Running Inefficiently

If your central air conditioner isn't running efficiently, you'll probably notice high energy bills and poor cooling throughout your home. However, there are other, more subtle, signs that your air conditioner could run even more efficiently. Learn to spot these three signs your central AC is running inefficiently.

1. Your HVAC Filter Gets Dirty Quickly

When you change your furnace filter each month, take a moment to assess how dirty the old filter has gotten. If the filter is completely clogged with dust and dirt, there may be excessive dust inside your HVAC system. Dust in a central air conditioner can cause overheating and increase the power draw of the unit.

Professional AC and duct cleaning removes hidden dust and dirt that's hampering your HVAC system. There's no practical way for homeowners to thoroughly clean their central AC and ductwork. HVAC cleaning takes specialized equipment to control air pressure during cleaning and clean inside air ducts.

2. Your AC is Cycling Frequently

Your air conditioner's cycle time can tell you a lot about how well it's running. HVAC systems use the most energy at startup to kickstart the blower motor and condenser. If your AC starts and stops frequently, it is using more energy than necessary for multiple startups.

A central air conditioner may short cycle if it is too large for the home it's installed in. In other cases, your AC may short cycle if dirty filters or ducts are blocking airflow. Finally, you should consider your thermostat placement. If your HVAC thermostat is installed in direct sunlight, higher temperature readings may cause your AC to run more often than necessary.

3. Your AC Makes Strange Sounds

Mechanical problems in central air conditioners can produce striking sounds. Squealing belts, screeching bearings, and grinding motors are a few examples of the issues that can arise. If your air conditioner is working harder to overcome worn bearings or other mechanical problems, it will use more power to cool your home.

Any change in the sound your AC makes while it's running is a sign that you should call an HVAC contractor for an inspection. A quick tune-up could restore your air conditioner's efficiency and save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs over the course of the year.

Your central air conditioner is one of the largest sources of energy usage in your home, so optimizing its energy efficiency is well worthwhile. Rely on an HVAC contractor for annual inspections so you can be sure your air conditioner is running at peak efficiency. Reach out to an AC maintenance service near you to learn more.
