Actions To Take If Your AC Is Blowing Warm Air

Air conditioning is vital for indoor comfort when the heat-waves are prevalent. However, it can be disappointing when your system is running but blowing warm air. This may result from a component malfunction, hindering AC performance. Note that it is best to employ the services of a residential AC repair technician to remedy the problem, as DIY repairs can worsen the issue. The repair expert will inspect and fix your unit for peak efficiency. Below are the actions to take if your unit is not blowing cold air as required.

Start With Your Temperature Control 

Your thermostat will display the current room temperature, allowing you to adjust it to your preferred level. As such, the wrong settings can hinder system operation. For instance, setting the device to 'heat' can cause the unit to blow warm air. On the other hand, if you configure your fan to an 'on' setting, the system will continue to run even when not running cooling cycles. As a result, the fan will blow unconditioned air leaving you with a warm indoor space. Thus, you should ensure that your unit has the correct setting to cool as required.

Ensure No Obstructions In Your Unit

The coolant flows through the condenser coil, dissipating heat outside. However, dirt and plant matter can infiltrate your outdoor unit, causing it to malfunction. As such, these clogs will hinder the condenser from venting, increasing heat in the system. Consequently, the refrigerant will not expel enough heat, leading to warm air blowing through the vents. If this is the case, you should contact a residential AC repair specialist to clean obstructions in the condenser unit and mount a cover to protect against debris and moisture.

Inspect Your Ducts for Leaks

You are likely to find ducts in many homes with a central AC. Unfortunately, your ductwork is subject to constant temperature fluctuation. This leads to the ducts expanding and contracting frequently, resulting in metal fatigue. As a result, ducts may deteriorate and leak air. Subsequently, cool air will escape to unconditioned spaces, whereas warm air will infiltrate your ducts. This causes warm air to blow through the vents, increasing indoor discomfort.

Check The Evaporator Coil

If your AC is blowing warm air, the evaporator coil could be the culprit. Since this crucial component facilitates heat exchange between the coolant and warm air, dirt accumulating on the coil will insulate it and impede heat transfer. As a result, the temperature in the system will drop drastically, causing the coil to ice up. This produces undesirable indoor air as the coolant cannot expel heat effectively. 

Warm air from the AC will create an uncomfortable indoor atmosphere. Thus, you should schedule routine AC maintenance checks to ensure your unit operates at peak functionality. For more information on AC installation, contact a professional near you.
