Reasons To Wait Until Spring For AC Installation

If it's the end of summer or even fall and your AC is struggling, you might be planning to have a new one installed right away. In some cases, this is the right move. But in many cases, it is actually better to wait until spring to have a new air conditioner installed. Here are some key reasons to consider waiting a few months for this service. 

You'll be able to try the AC out immediately.

If you have the new AC installed now and outdoor temperatures are low, you may not be able to really turn on and try your air conditioner. It's not good for air conditioners to run in cold weather, and if it's already cool in your home, you won't even be able to really tell if it's working well. Wait until spring and you'll be better able to test and try your air conditioner. This, any issues can be identified and corrected right away.

Your air conditioner won't have to suffer wear and tear all winter.

Winter is hard on air conditioners. Yes, you can cover your air conditioner, but covers have to be breathable, and they don't entirely block out the cold air and humidity. If you wait until spring to install your air conditioner, that's one less winter that it has to make it through. Overall, this may extend your air conditioner's life and help it last longer.

You might get a better deal.

HVAC technicians do install AC units in the fall, but it's not one of the most common services they offer during this time. As such, they are unlikely to offer any big discounts or deals on AC installation at this time. If you wait until spring, your AC contractor may have a promotion or be offering a discount that you can take advantage of.

You won't need a tune-up before turning it on.

If you install your AC unit in the fall, you may want to have it tuned up again in the spring before using it. This is often necessary after it has sat, unused, all winter. If you instead install it in the spring, this tune-up appointment won't be necessary.

If you wait until spring for AC installation, you'll enjoy the advantage above. Of course, if you still have some hot weather to contend with this year, you might then want to have your new AC installed sooner rather than later. Talk to an AC installation contractor to learn more.
