Health Benefits Of Air Conditioning Installation

Did you know that your air conditioning system has a huge impact on your health? Air conditioning installation and proper maintenance are ways to keep your indoor air healthy. This article explores the health benefits you accrue from your air conditioner.

Reduced Allergies and Asthma Attacks

Your air conditioning unit filters out dust, allergens, and pollutants that trigger asthma attacks. Mold spores, too, exacerbate allergic reactions. With your air conditioner, you eliminate dampness that provides favorable conditions for mold growth. As a result, your indoor air becomes free of mold spores and other pollutants.

Note that only units with clean filters reduce the risk of respiratory complications. You should frequently clean your filters and replace them when they age.

Reduced Risk of Heat Stroke and Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when you have less than the required water in your body. You lose more water when you sweat a lot and become vulnerable to dehydration. When your body overheats from environmental temperature, you could get a heatstroke. An air conditioning installation will cool the indoor air, lowering your body temperature. As a result, you maintain sufficient water levels in your body.

Increased Rate of Metabolism

Metabolic rate increases in cold environments and reduces in warmer ones. Sudden temperature changes result in serious health conditions, more so in children. Slow metabolism reduces the rate at which your body metabolizes fat. As such, you might have the potential to become obese or gain weight. Your air conditioning unit maintains the temperature at a level suitable for metabolism.

Reduced Pressure on The Immune System

Bacteria and germs spread faster in a house that isn't well-conditioned—they get in your body and weaken your immunity. A weak immune system makes your body prone to diseases. The good news is that your air conditioner limits the growth and spread of disease-causing microorganisms. So, you can rest assured that your immunity is safe if you have a well-maintained air conditioning unit.

Better Sleep

Your body temperature always reduces in preparation for sleep. Air conditioner temperatures of 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit facilitate a better sleep night. When you set your air conditioning unit to the stated temperatures, you eliminate the need for your body to regulate temperature independently. Your body won't need to stay awake to adjust for ideal sleep temperatures.


After your air conditioning installation, ensure it is in good condition so that you reap all the health benefits discussed above. Poorly maintained units can be a health hazard rather than a health saver. You should schedule regular inspections from a competent HVAC expert to enhance consistent effectiveness.
