Four Common Types Of HVAC Repair

Having an AC unit in good condition is essential to keep your home cool during hot seasons. However, your air conditioner has many parts that function for long hours. That makes the HVAC system prone to damage. Therefore, HVAC repair is critical to ensure that your HVAC system functions well. Here are the different types of HVAC repairs that you may require to perform.

1. Refrigerant Leak Repair

An air conditioner usually contains a refrigerant that releases the heat from the air achieving a cooling effect. During installation, AC services add the refrigerant, but the levels may drop due to leakage. A refrigerant leak can significantly reduce the cooling capacity of your air conditioner. HVAC repair professionals seal the leak and add the AC with more refrigerant as per the manufacturer's specifications to fix this problem. This type of repair enables your unit to cool more efficiently.

2. Drainage Problem Repair

Air conditioners usually produce condensation that flows from the system. Blockage of the drip pan or the drainage line means that your cooling system will experience moisture backup. In return, your AC components may get damaged by excess moisture inside the system. Additionally, the indoor humidity levels rise and lower your HVAC unit's performance. HVAC system repair, in this case, entails inspecting the condensate drainage and drip pan for any blockages and subsequent clearance.

3. Damaged Compressor Fan Repair

The outer part of your AC comprises the fan, compressor, and condenser coil system. These parts release heat from indoor air and transfer it to the outside hence cooling your home. If the fan isn't working effectively, heat transfer within the system becomes limited. That may lead to the overheating of your compressor, which could damage the component. Additionally, overheating can trigger your AC's safety controls to switch off your cooling system. Your HVAC repair service should investigate the cause of the fan problem and fix it.

4. Frozen Condenser Coil Repair

When your condenser coils freeze, your AC won't work efficiently. The freezing usually occurs when there's poor airflow within the cooling unit that leads to ice formation. Obstructions such as a clogged return air duct or a dirty air filter are the significant causes of the freezing. Additionally, low refrigerant levels can cause the coils to freeze. An HVAC repair professional can safely thaw the coils, remove the blockage, or perform a refrigerant charge to restore your AC's performance.

HVAC repair practices include repairing frozen condenser coils, damaged compressor fan, refrigerant leaks, and drainage problems. Consider these repairs to keep your AC in perfect working condition.
