Most Common AC Problems (And What To Do About Them)

Even though there are a variety of different air conditioners on the market today, the problems that plague these systems are very common. While you may be tempted to pick up the phone and call an HVAC company to schedule an AC repair service every time your unit starts to show any kind of worrying signs, it's a good idea to work through a list like this and see if you can take care of the issue yourself. If you are uncomfortable doing any of these jobs, an HVAC company is standing by ready to assist you.

Unit Not Turning On

An AC unit that doesn't function at all is a major problem. In most cases, the problem can be solved by simply turning on the thermostat switch (it sounds simplistic, but it's surprising how many homeowners haven't tried this before calling for repairs), or checking the breaker box to see if the air conditioning switches been flipped. If neither is the issue, then that means you have a problem with the power source to the unit itself. If it's electrical, you may be able to reattach yourself, but gas lines need to be handled by professionals for legal purposes. Either way, both these compose their own danger, it's a good idea to have a professional handle it for you.

Unit Not Cooling Properly

As your air conditioning system ages, it usually means that the rooms farther away from your air conditioner will not cool as evenly as the ones that are closer to it. If it is simply a symptom of age, you might need to have the unit replaced, but there may be a few AC repairs you can do in the meantime to let it run more efficiently. Talk to an HVAC company about your options, but don't forget to include AC system maintenance in your yearly plans for your home. Doing so will dramatically reduce the wear and tear on your unit.

Strange Smells and Sounds

Any kind of sound that comes out of your air conditioning system, apart from a gentle clicking sound as the unit turns on and off, is a cause for concern. Clinking can mean that a part is rattling around inside your air vents, while a whining sound may be indicative of your fan belt. If you hear a continual clicking sound, that means your air conditioning system is trying hard to turn on, which needs to be fixed by a professional before the system fails completely. Likewise, if you have a damp musty smell that is coming out of your air vents, they need to be cleaned by a professional to mitigate any health problems that may arise.

For more information about AC system repair, contact a local HVAC technician.
