A Few Tips That Might Improve The Air Quality In Your Home

The quality of your indoor air can suffer when you keep your house closed up all the time. However, opening your windows isn't always an option when it's hot and humid outside, or when there's pollen in the air and you have allergies. Instead, you can work to improve your indoor air quality to make it as clean as possible. Here are some things to try:

Have Your HVAC System Cleaned

Your HVAC system should be cleaned at least once a year to get rid of dust in the air handler, furnace, or air conditioner. When your home is sealed by keeping windows shut, air recirculates through the HVAC. The filter traps as much dust as possible, and this is one reason to change the filter regularly. However, some dust gets inside the HVAC and needs to be cleaned out during the annual service call.

You can also work on keeping dust under control in your house by dusting surfaces and flooring frequently so the dust doesn't get pulled into your HVAC. Another part of your system to think about are the ducts. Ducts aren't cleaned routinely when the furnace or air conditioner is cleaned. Dust may build up in the ducts after several years, and this could bother your allergies. It's also possible for mold to grow in ducts and then the spores can blow around your home. By having the ducts checked and cleaned when they need it, you might improve the air quality in your home.

Add A Purifier To Your System

If you have allergies or you're just worried about the quality of the air you breathe every day, talk to an HVAC company that offers air quality improvement services and discuss things you can add to your system that will help. For instance, you might be able to switch to a HEPA filter so your air is cleaned more thoroughly, but your HVAC has to be able to handle that type of filter because it can restrict airflow. Another option is to add a dehumidifier to your system for use in the summer to remove humidity from your house, since high humidity can affect air quality. You'll want your home drier so it stays cooler and so mildew won't be a problem due to excess humidity.

An air purifier could also be a good solution. Your HVAC company might install one of these so the air in your home is circulated through it continuously to remove irritants that can make your allergies worse. By installing an air purifier in your HVAC system, your entire home is treated so you can spend time in any room of your home instead of having to retreat to your bedroom with a portable purifier.
