Avoid These 3 Budget-Busters When Choosing Your Next A/C System

Shopping for a new air conditioner is one thing, but shopping for one on a budget can be challenging. There are many ways you can accidentally overspend on your next A/C system, especially if you commit these three common errors when looking for a new unit.

1. Buying More A/C Than Your Home Can Handle

Size matters in more ways than one when it comes to your air conditioning system. Choosing one that offers more cooling capacity than your home actually needs can prove costly on many fronts. From the start, choosing an oversized A/C system also means paying more upfront for the privilege. Such units often cost more than their right-sized counterparts due to the increase in cooling power. For homes that don't need the extra grunt, an oversized A/C unit could prove a waste.

Oversized A/C systems aren't just expensive to buy, but they're also expensive to run long-term. The added power draw of an oversized unit means you'll burn more electricity for very little benefit, resulting in a higher monthly power bill and higher maintenance costs over the long run.

2. Going Overboard With Features

Today's A/C systems come with a stunning array of features that add a greater measure of comfort and efficiency. Features like variable speed compressors, self-cleaning modes, and smart connectivity are great to have, but they can also crush an already tight budget. If you're working within a strict budget for your next A/C unit, choose only the features you really need and carefully consider the rest against your target price.

3. Buying During Peak Times

Another way you can easily overspend on your new air conditioner simply involves choosing the wrong time to purchase one. The summer months can be the worst times to buy a new A/C system simply due to strong summertime demand for new units and the pricing premium placed on those units during that period. Strong demand also makes installation just as costly since HVAC technicians are often busy troubleshooting and installing new units for desperate clients.

Simply waiting for the fall or winter months to purchase your next A/C system can do wonders for your wallet. Demand for new A/C systems tends to wane as the summer gives way to chillier fall and winter weather. By the end of the year, HVAC manufacturers usually offer generous discounts on their A/C equipment, especially outgoing models due for an update.

Combine those discounts with available federal and local rebates, and you'll have an affordable way to buy the A/C system your home desperately needs.

Contact an air conditioning replacement contractor to learn more.
