Three Steps To Better Air Quality

Indoor air quality can greatly affect the health of the occupants. That is, the quality of the air can do more than just cause allergies. Dust isn't the only thing you need to be concerned about. Certain volatile organic compounds, known as VOCs, have proven to be harmful in many ways. The problem is that these VOCs come from everyday household products, from cleaning supplies, fuels, paints, and other things found inside pretty much every home.

There are a lot of things you can do to help reduce the amount of VOCs in your air, but one of the most helpful things is to properly maintain your HVAC system, particularly the filtering and circulation aspects of it. Here are the three most important things that you need to do to your HVAC system to reduce the prevalence of VOCs inside your home.

Change Your Filters

First of all, your filter has a limited lifespan, and you need to make sure that you don't keep it in your furnace for too long. Many filters are only meant to last three months.

Obviously, during certain seasons they might last much longer. During a mild summer, when you aren't using your AC on a daily basis, your filter can last longer. So, make sure to remind yourself and schedule your filter replacement.

Air Duct Cleaning

Next, you want to make sure that you have your air ducts cleaned professionally once every couple of years. Air ducts get dirty, not only from dust within your home being recirculated into them but also from the circulation of pollen and bacteria coming from outside your home. Professional duct cleaning is the cheapest and most reliable way to keep these outside pollutants out of your home.

Air Ventilators

Next, you want to make sure that your ventilator is clean and fully functional. There are many different types of ventilators, but they are all basically designed to circulate fresh air into your home, while also helping warm air flow to the outside.

An old fan can get clogged and block, which can seriously slow down air ventilation. Some people will upgrade to an energy recovery ventilator (an ERV) that reverses energy by producing electricity from the air stream that passes through it. This will save you money and improve air quality.

If you do these things, coupled with using more eco-friendly cleaning solutions inside your home, you can definitely enjoy cleaner indoor air. For more information, contact an air conditioning service company such as Arizona Refrigeration Service Inc.
