How To Improve The Efficiency Of Your HVAC

You want to ensure the longevity, efficiency and cost effectiveness of your HVAC system, there are a few simple checks that you should do on a regular basis. This article explains some of the easiest, yet most vital, check ups that you should do on your HVAC system. These might not drastically increased energy efficiency of your system, but they could help reduce your utility bills and ensure that your furnace and condenser last a long time without any serious maintenance or repairs.

Check the Filter

Hopefully, you know to change your filter every year or two. However, it is also very important that you properly replace your filter. Most people just pull their old filter out and put the new one in place. This is problematic because it doesn't always solve the problem. If your filter compartment is dirty, the replacement filter will not fit into place properly. This can create issues when it comes to the proper filtering of an air that is being blown into your furnace. The usual result is that your furnace pump gets much dirtier much quicker and your system lags because of it. So it is a good idea not only to replace your filter every year or two, but also to vacuum out the compartment before you put the new filter in place.

Clean Your Condenser Coils

Your condenser coils are vital part of the AC system. If you look at your condenser unit, located outside of your home, you will notice outside is lined with sheets of aluminum with small ridges. The gaps in between these ridges are vulnerable to getting clogged with dirt and debris. You just need to use a hose to spray out this dirt every year. This can drastically increase the efficiency of your condenser and prevent it from sucking up more electricity in efforts to produce cold air.

Clean Your Air Registers

You should also clean your air registers on a regular basis. You might not need to do this every single year, but you should at least inspect them to see if they need to be cleaned every year. All you have to do is remove the registers from the wall by removing a couple of screws. Once the screws are removed, you can pull the register off the wall. Usually, the best way to clean multiple registers at wants is to soak them in the sink and use dishwashing liquid and a scrub brush. Remove any dust and dirt in between the vents for better airflow once they are reattached.

For more tips, contact a furnace repair company in your area.
