4 Tips To Prevent Odors In Your Restaurant Dining Room

If your restaurant is like many, you can probably detect food smells when you walk into your dining area. Unfortunately, these smells aren't always pleasant. To help make your dining area a lot more appealing to your customers, follow these tips for preventing odors.

1. Create a Separation from the Kitchen

First of all, you probably want to prevent food odors from seeping out of your commercial kitchen and into your dining area. A good way to do so is to keep the kitchen as separate from the dining area as possible. Consider putting in walls if your kitchen is too open, and make sure that you use a door. A simple swinging door will work well for keeping cooking odors contained in the kitchen while making it easy for waitstaff to walk in and out of the kitchen with heavy plates and trays. If you prefer a more open look for your kitchen, use glass partitions instead of actually leaving the space open.

2. Take Good Care of Your HVAC System

Taking good care of your HVAC system is essential if you want to prevent food odors from lingering. Change your air filters frequently, and have your system maintained by a professional every year, since systems that are in good shape are more effective at cleaning the air. Also, have your ducts inspected; if food and other items have gotten into your ducts, they will need to be cleaned to prevent them from pumping odorous air through your restaurant.

3. Have Your Carpet Shampooed Regularly

If you have carpet in your dining area, it is important to have it shampooed regularly. If you don't, the food spills that are sure to happen throughout the course of a busy day can begin to smell bad. Plus, having your carpet shampooed regularly will help prevent stains from being permanent and will help your restaurant maintain a fresh, clean appearance.

4. Eliminate Unnecessary Textiles

Consider eliminating unnecessary textiles, since food odors can cling to them. Instead of having curtains in your dining room, use window tint. If you use tablecloths, opt for vinyl tablecloths that can be easily cleaned rather than linen options. This will make cleaning much easier and more effective, which is a good way to keep the odors down.

Odors in your dining room can make your restaurant unappealing and downright unpleasant for your customers. Therefore, you should try to prevent them as much as possible. If you follow these four tips, you are sure to notice that your dining area smells a whole lot better. Visit http://www.alliedairheat.com for more info about AC units.
